the three of us

Saturday, July 31, 2010

So it begins...

Well everyone knows that I am a worrier.. okay that's an understatement. I can admit it. Jess jokingly said the other day I worry enough for both of us! I'm glad I can take something off her plate, but I come by it honestly, a long line of worriers. We are getting into the last stages of our fund-raising and it's a waiting game. Waiting to see if people buy tickets, waiting to see what else we can do to raise this money, and waiting to see if all of our hard work comes together and everything falls into place! For anyone in a stressful situation eventually it starts manifesting other ways, for me it starts taking over my sleep! My stress dreams have begun, two nights ago in my dream we had to change locations last minute, my sister Sara was insisting that I move a water fountain ( WTF?) and Dr. Carrie Weaver( from ER) came to our Pink Tie Affair, 4 HOURS EARLY! It's funny the water fountain thing seemed so logical but as soon as I saw Dr. Weaver I knew "Oh thank God I'm dreaming". This will continue to happen for the next week until this Pink Tie Affair is over and I can relax, so help reduce my stress level. Tell us you are coming, buy your ticket before hand and please don't ask me to move water fountains!!!! Love you all, THINK PINK!

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